Wednesday, April 4, 2007


I support Democracy in a real format; that is if 51% of the population supports a party they should be placed in power. You'll note I say population and not popular vote. Without the support of the majority of the people of a nation you do not have the authority to speak for that nation. Instead of getting around this through minority governments and coalitions when the majority of the people do not vote for one party we'll just continue on; no house, no parliament, no new laws. We'll still have government... just no changes.

While I'm overturning hundreds of years of tradition I might as well go full circuit. With modern technology we can turn away from the outdated and expensive traditions of our parliament. There's no need to government from Ottawa; with video hook ups everyone elected representative could have complete (and infact, much fuller) access to every member of their party at a much lesser cost to the tax payer. And of course... complete transparency. Video records of everything politicians discuss. Parliamentary procedure could be completely followed.. only the person supposed to be speaking will be given audio out.

Don't mind me... just changing the world.

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