Saturday, April 7, 2007

Yes, I'm going to review all the laws in Canada

Access to Information Act :

Looks great.

Advance Payment for Crops Act :

Reeks of government intervention in the market to satisfy some upset farmers at the eventual cost of the consumer. The government should not be involved in lending money or making good on farmers loan defaults. The problem isn't that we're not growing enough food... we are, so let's stop babying farmers. Deemend likely negative: suggest look into the effects of this act on the farming economy.

Aeronautics Act :

This one deserves further study.

a) and I'm already hating it. Why should the minister be promoting Aeronatics. There's too much damn promotion going on in this country. If people need it or want it, they'll get it, don't worry about that mister.

b) why is a minister building aerodomes? Can private industry not do this? Why does he have the power to do this? What is an aerodome anyway?

c) yes, information is good, but let's get this automized and not spend millions on it please, computers CAN do all the work but don't pay millions, you can do everything with LINUX FOR FREE.

d) again with the development... stop with that. You want industry to develop, stop taxing it and using that money to "promote" it.

Anyway... this law is ridiculous already; a symptom of a government trying to do far too much and misunderstanding basic economics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.